Date: 10 & 11 September
Time 11 - 7pm
Venue: Pet Safari @ NEX Mall, level 4
So here's the thing - We're so fortunate to be enjoying all the good things life can bring (ie: a cup of coffee at your favourite joint, supper with a group of close friends, enjoying a mani/pedi after a long day of work and etc, you get the damn drift!) But these little ones are not so lucky. Read more about their story here ( &
I wouldn't be doing this if I could keep all of them so I urge you to come down this coming weekend and take a look. Even if you're unsure, at least come see them! Be warned that they will melt your heart in 2 seconds. FLAT. #justsayin
So please come down and meet them in 'cat' (in 'person', YOU GEDDIT?!) HEHE
See you there!
Please help spread the word! They're really lovely!