Perks of the job: Be part of Marc by Marc Jacobs fashion show last Tuesday. It was sooo good. I like that their spring 2011 collection has so many wearable pieces. Ultimate lust. They're a burst of colors and a good balance of neural hues like grey.

Do you want to know how they recreate all that frizz?
Tadah! (Snapped by my trusty BB bold)
Anyway, so what's new? I'm officially a year older. (haaaaappppyyyyy birthdaaaaaay to meeeeeee) Bummer. But this year despite having most of the usual suspects not in town - I still managed to feel loved. Ally and Sammie came by with cake while I had my clay mask on (IMAGINE THE HORROR?!). I was literally unable to laugh or smile. It was funny though. This birthday I really don't want much - I just want to be happier than before.
Talk when I've something exciting to update.
You have all my love xxxxx