I always envy mothers and daughters who goes shopping together, talk about make up and all that girlie stuff - I never had that. My mom's too much of a tom cat. Me, on the other hand is girlie as hell. HAHA I know right. Since young, make up to me is like the forbidden fruit. I'm always fascinated by the colors and how it can make your cheeks look so rosy with a brush. Makeup is really a very experimental thing for every girlie girl. At different stages of your life, you experiment different things. It took me 2 years to experiment mascara and eyeliner. And recently, I found the beauty in lippies!
I've outgrown lipbalms and glosses. I feel so grown up playing with different shades of lippies and it's always good to invest in a good lipstick. These days I even feel naked without it! ;D During the office sale, I got myself 3! (at dirrrrrrt cheap prices, of course)
This new year, I'm going to stock up on more lippies!